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Re: injury to the hobby

To: zehrinwa@UMDNJ.EDU
Subject: Re: injury to the hobby
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 1997 09:22:18 -0500 (EST)

--an increasing number of critical parts will be made out of unobtanium.  
Examples include pre-smog heads, lay gears for 3-synchro boxes, good 
chrome work, engine blocks for J2s that don't have con-rod holes in 
>perhaps, but modern cars go fast, break efficiently, and have great 

acceleration.  None of those things can be said of lbcs before the A, the 
TR4, and the big Healey.  The old joke "You can't get there from here" 
starts to apply in a T car or a bugeye with a 9xx cc engine.  0-60 in 25 
seconds doesn't fit in.  ITS DANGEROUS, and not just for the guy in the 
TD but for all the rest of the cars that have to get around him.  I'll 
never forget blowing off a blue TD in my Morgan...  yes!

Understand, these are not my predictions, nor are they my devious hopes 
for destroying the world, just examples that come to mind of things that 
may or may not have long term impact on the hobby and the perpetuation of 
the marques.  I suggest that depending upon the direction these trends 
move in they could have adverse effects on the hobby and all.  

enuf 4 now,
Will Zehring
'63 B (and loving it!)

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Subject: injury to the hobby
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