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Re: Items Carried for emergencies

Subject: Re: Items Carried for emergencies
Date: Tue, 6 May 1997 12:19:22 -0400 (EDT)
In a message dated 97-05-05 21:21:53 EDT, you write:

<< Gentle people
 Please - the medical term for "head up the ass" is "cerebral - rectal
 inversion".  I think proper decorum would call for the medical terminology
 in such a family-oriented mail list. 
 <snip>his head up his ass . . .
 <snip>your head up your ass  . . . head up the ass . . . head up your ass!

Actually this (head upf the ass) was the call made by the under-employed
cowboys on "Rawhide" of distant memory.  It was used to signal the start of
the annual donkey drive.

Rick :>)

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