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Re: Bolt on Crankshaft Pulley

To: "Scott Gardner" <>,
Subject: Re: Bolt on Crankshaft Pulley
From: Carol <>
Date: Sat, 11 Oct 1997 13:47:29 -0500
And later...

BTW, I had occasion to measure the real-deal nut (had it in my hand) a few
minutes ago... on the MGA it's 1-61-64''.  Ah'm gonna' be reeeeeal red in
the face if B's have a 1/2" smaller axle nut...


...maybe not...


>Time out!!!

>I keep reading 1-5/16" here... MY memory has the dimension 1-61/64" stored
>in a cell somewhere... I looked all over for a wrench to fit the axle nut,
>so the nut and I became quite intimate last winter. Four-wheel-drive socket


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