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Advance timing and stumble

To: "MG list" <mgs@Autox.Team.Net>, "Paul Tegler " <>
Subject: Advance timing and stumble
From: "wizardz" <>
Date: Sat, 9 Jan 1999 16:47:31 -0500
I presently have a 19 degree advance plate in my distributor.
Using the heavier weights, one heavy and one light spring,
I'm dynamicly timed at 14-16 degrees BTDC at 1200 rpm
it dynamically times at 12 degrees BTDC at 650-700 rpm
The vacuum advance unit come in at 5 HG of vac. and will 
give a full vac adv of 10 degrees at 15 HG of vac.
This 19 degree plate means I'm getting 38 degrees of 
timing advance at max (mechanical limit) plus a possible
10 more degrees from the vac advance.
This seems like too much to me. TRUE OR FALSE?

I think for a ' 73 BGT I should Only have a 10 dgree advance
(mechanical limit) plate in the dist. TRUE OR FALSE?

QUESTION? Could the light spring, and heavy wieght be 
adding too much  adv at at lower speeds and then too much 
as well at higher speeds, and this is the reason the vac adv
seems to have such a powerful impact on the timing at 
cruising speeds? (ie stumble at crusie)

I thought the 73 should have had a vac advance unit that came in at
5 to 7 HG and only added 5-7 degrees? TRUE OR FALSE

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