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What year B??

Subject: What year B??
From: Florrie & Allen Bachelder <>
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 1999 23:43:34 -0400
>X-POP3-Rcpt: bachldrs@ctc
>Date: Tue, 16 Feb 1999 10:41:49 EST
>Mime-Version: 1.0
>Subject: What year B??
>Precedence: bulk
><< I thought it was time I got back on; especially now that I am
>back to rebuilding my '65B with 3main engine, non-synchro 1st, pull out
>door hanldes and generally a PITA, but I love it.  I've decided to keep it
>close to stock, with just some tweeks to the suspension and electrical.
> John Fagerlund>>
>(Without bothering to look it up) I thought that the lever handle Bs were only
>the 1963 model year - are you sure yours isn't earlier than 65?
>Bill Spohn

Bill -

My '65 B project car - GHN3L57254 - has pull handles.  Clausager's book
indicates that pull-handle Bs go up about through 57985 if I remember
correctly.  The approximate changeover seems to be about March of 1965.  At
one time mine was the latest surviving  pull-handle B known to the NAMGBR -
but now there is a later one in the pull-handle registry.  I wrote to MGCC
about this and got a response from a Swedish owner of a pullhandle 58254
(yes, exactly 1000 cars later than mine).  Don Bishop answered my letter in
"Safety Fast" indicating that, Clausager to the contrary, pull handle cars
went up through 65865.  Perhaps since pull-handles fell to US safety
regulations,  cars destined for other markets continued to have
pull-handles for awhile???  Go figure...  Any US owners out there with
pull-handle cars later than 57985?

Mine also has the earlier style strap-on gas tank.

What confuses me about John's car is the 3-main engine.  I thought they
switched to 5-main in early '64 - although I haven't checked Clausager on
this point.  John's could have been swapped out by a PO years ago - or
maybe it's another case of whatever was in the bin...


Allen H. Bachelder  =iii=<
Sinking Creek Home for Wayward MGs
New Castle, VA 24127

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