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Re: '66BGT Found a new home

To: john fagerlund <>
Subject: Re: '66BGT Found a new home
From: Florrie & Allen Bachelder <>
Date: Sun, 7 Mar 1999 13:08:28 -0400
>I'm happy to say my '66BGT found a new home.  Kelvin picked it up
>yesterday.  It was good to meet him and put a face with a name on the list.
> Nice guy and knowledgable too.  He gave me some good advice on my current
>restoration project.  I have two pull-handle '65 Bs, the car I was thinking
>of saving looks good, but has some hidden damage and shoddy repair work.
>The other one looks rough, but is actually a better candidate.  I'll go
>with Kelvin's advice.
>John Fagerlund
>'65 B under restoration
>'65 B doaner
>'66BGT sad to see it go, but too many projects and that work stuff gets in
>the way as well

John -

Pull-handle '65s are not real common.  I have GHN3L57254 - and production
ceased at 57985.  Mine was VERY rusty and my time is VERY limited - I've
been welding on the shell since Fall of '95.  The good news is it's almost
done (the shell, that is - not the car!).  Mine had rust in pedal box
sections, and I even had to fabricate flanges for the heel boards and
bottom of the transmission tunnel. To add my 2¢ worth - between your two
cars,  pick the one that's strongest in these areas, other factors being
equal.  It's all repairable - but oh so time-consuming.  I also had to
reskin doors, using doorskins intended for later pushbutton handles.  Fussy
work!  And  the indentations are slightly smaller in the later ones - so
the results are not preceisely the same.

Are your cars in the NAMGBR pull-handle register?  I'm curious about the
VINs if you care to share them.  ' Kinda wonder how many '65 pull-handles
are still around...


Allen H. Bachelder  =iii=<
Sinking Creek Home for Wayward MGs
New Castle, VA 24127

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