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Re: Oil Cooling

Subject: Re: Oil Cooling
From: Florrie & Allen Bachelder <>
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 1999 12:32:35 -0400
>X-POP3-Rcpt: bachldrs@ctc
>Date: Wed, 10 Mar 1999 02:03:23 EST
>Mime-Version: 1.0
>Subject: Re: Oil Cooling
>Precedence: bulk
>In a message dated 3/09/99 3:20:29 PM Pacific Standard Time,
> writes:
><< Come on Bill, stop beating around the bush and say what you mean.  John
>  >>
>Well, the danger is that misinformation like this will be believed, to the
>detriment of some poor guy who won't even get an "I'm sorry" when he blows his
>engine. Sorry, under the circumatsnces, pussy footing ain't my bag.
It's interesting that even after the factory dropped oil coolers, they
continued to make provision for them.  In fact, with the advent of RBs,
they had to reconfigure it, but when I added an oil cooler to my '76, the
captive nuts and hose holes were already there - obviously the guys in
Abingdon thought a lot of us would be doing this.

My question for Bill and the list is this.  I don't run oil temp gauges...
yet.  This ain't Texas either - but we do have a couple of months of
90-95-degree mountain climbing every summer - along with some stop-start
traffic - and I've never had any MGB temp gauge even approach the "H" on a
reasonably well-maintained car - even a couple cars without oil coolers.
Now,  is there a danger that even with the  coolant temp well in the"N"
range that one could still be cooking the oil?  Convince me of that and
I'll install an oil temp gauge.



Allen H. Bachelder  =iii=<
Sinking Creek Home for Wayward MGs
New Castle, VA 24127

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