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Re: windshield installation

To: Calvin Krug <>
Subject: Re: windshield installation
From: Art Pfenninger <>
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1999 07:03:12 -0400 (EDT)
Yes attach the center bolts first, they will hold the new seal down so
that it doesn't spring or curl under itself. Also let it sit overnight
this will help. I just finished up an article that talks about replacing
the rubber seals in the MGB. To windshield seal takes about 1/2 hour. If
you (or anyone) would like a copy let me know. 

On Sun, 11 Apr 1999, Calvin Krug wrote:

> It's almost time to put the windshield back on my '79 B, and I've seen the
> webpage showing how to use C-clamps to get the outer mounting holes to line
> up.  My question is this:  Do I attach the center bracket before or after
> the outer ones?  Oh, and if I should ever volunteer to replace the
> windshield to body seal on another car, someone please slap some sense into
> me.  That was NOT a fun task.  I think I have about 4 hours in that job.
> If there is an easy way to do that, don't tell me now, it will only make me
> mad.
> Calvin Krug
> '79 B slowly coming together

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