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Around the world to another rest day and a 5.30 am start.

To: "Aston List" <>
Subject: Around the world to another rest day and a 5.30 am start.
From: "John J. Black" <>
Date: Sun, 14 May 2000 18:37:54 -0700
Hi Guys
The road to Tiblisi is now famous among the rallyists for several things,
the Hotel turned out be infested with mice, One woman co-driver having one
run up her nightdress and pop out of the top! bathrooms that did not work,
except to rain on the bathroom below when the toilet was flushed. And
emergency oral surgery that had to done on a driver being done by another
driver from a Mercedes crew with his co-pilot holding a flashlight as the
light source. The surgical sheets were apparently the Stars and Stripes, the
Union Jack and the EU flag!
Sounds  like fun???
The Fangio Chevy has had a gearbox change in the basement (yes, they found
one!) and fingers etc are now crossed that it is OK.
The Bentley still leads and the Packard is holding an nice steady second
place, them 30's car were strong and should cope with the road conditions
well if not to much stuff falls off.
The Ferranti P111 is well positioned in mid field at 11th place with No
problems we hear. The Dyke-Price Onyett Team Healey is now in 8th position
and appears to be in fine shape, only 2 mins ahead of the Jaguar XK140
Coupe, some 15 mins down the leader board in the Xk 150 S is the Jones clan
just ahead of the Morris Minor. The Hunts Team Healeys car is in 26th place
with the little MGB chasing them, they are split by the Rolph 230SL
Mercedes. The Facel is in 32nd place and running like a dream, so he says!
The Astons are sitting in 3rd, 38th and 44th places on the scoreboard A nice
spread guys. The Morgan is at position 43 and the Jaguar Mk1 in last place
(should these cars be called Mk1's I don't think so!)
Tomorrow is an early start at 5.30am heading for the ferry to take them all
into some more unknown territory and further east. A lack of sleep for some,
with car problems for others, and more problems to come? What else can
happen over the next 67 days of racing over the worse roads in the world in
50 year old cars? A whole lot I guess!.
John J Black
Waterloo Drivetrain Systems

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  • Around the world to another rest day and a 5.30 am start., John J. Black <=