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Re: Kroil source.\

To: "Jon" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Kroil source.\
From: "Valerie Stabenow" <>
Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2000 18:04:54 -0600
Kroil can be ordered at

It does work!! This guy at Kano labs must be a chemist because he has
developed all kinds of compounds...spray graphite, etc. We bought
small aerosol cans of Kroil by the case and give them to our
automotive-happy friends.

I also have a can of PB blaster, but the Kroil is really the best.
Even Roger Welsch, who wrote the "Rusty Knuckles and Busted Tractors"
books uses and recommends the products. BTW, read that book,
substitute in lbcs and you'll be dying laughing.

Valerie Stabenow, mga, tr4a, xk-e, tr6

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