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RE: Wire wheel tube protection thingy

To: "MG List" <>
Subject: RE: Wire wheel tube protection thingy
From: "Larry Hoy" <>
Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2001 10:03:46 -0700
I guess I gotta comment.  I have wire wheels on my MGB.  I've run them for 
about 4 years and don't use any duct tape, electricians
tape, or rubber bands; heck I don't even use tubes.  What, you say?  No tubes?  

I have newer Dayton wheels, when I purchased them I was able to specifiy 

So how do they do this?  They use what looks like silicone.  It is applied very 
liberally to the inside of the wheels over all the
nipples.  It is done so uniformly that it appears to be done by a machine.  It 
does not cover the part of the rim the tire seats on.
No flats, no leaks, no tubes.

I have similar wheels on my Jaguar.  One of those wheels broke a spoke.  I took 
it to a wheel shop.  He re-laced, and trued the
wheel, then re-applied silicone (by hand) and it has worked just fine.

I don't know if this will work for an old MGB wheel.  But someone might want to 
give this a try and report back to the list.

Larry Hoy

>-----Original Message-----
>From: []On
>Behalf Of Larry B. Macy
>Sent: Saturday, January 20, 2001 6:34 AM
>To: Barrie Robinson; MG List;
>Subject: Re: Wire wheel tube protection thingy
>My fairly recent experience was to use electricians tape. I got that advice
>from the list. I got new bands and they didn't help. Still had a flat after
>about a month of driving. The bands fit the center groove but not over the
>spoke nipples on the shoulder. That is where I was getting the wear on the
>tube. Electricians tape fixed it.
>As to how long it will last???????????????????
>On 1/18/01 2:43 PM, "Barrie Robinson" <> wrote:
>> Has anyone harbour experience using duct tape wrapped around wire wheels as
>> protection against the tube chaffing?  I have been told duct tape is better
>> than using the rubber thingys that they used in the past - (available from
>> Victoria British????)
>> Regards
>> Barrie Robinson
>Larry Macy
>78 Midget
>Keep your top down and your chin up.
>Larry B. Macy, Ph.D.
>System Manager/Administrator
>Neuropsychiatry Section
>Department of Psychiatry
>University of Pennsylvania
>3400 Spruce St. - 10 Gates
>Philadelphia, PA 19104
> Ask a question and you're a fool for three minutes; do not ask a question
>and you're a fool for the rest of your life.

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