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Goodwood Festival of Speed

To: "Craig D. Niederst" <>,
Subject: Goodwood Festival of Speed
From: "JustBrits" <>
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 18:49:36 -0600
Received from "Peter C." and I quote:

<<"Hey Ed, Time for the posidrive seminar??   ">>

But BEFORE Peter C. penned the above:

Trisha's IDIOT "BF" (the "B" Expert) penned the following and I quote:

<<In my experience the real trouble spots are the rear spring bolts on the
shackles and the screws that hold the doors onto the hinges (num 3 or 4

WHAT kinda fasteners, Jr.?????????????????

In some FORTY years, I have NEVER seen a "Phillips" fastener" in MGB door
Some "...experience...", Jr..

I very sincerely suggest you visit my web site and VERY carefully read the
"PoziDrive" page.

Ditto for rest of Listers that like to use the wrong tool on fasteners.

Then Kai M. Radicke <> penned the following ALMOST correct
epistle and I quote:

<<   "For the junkyard scavengers on the list (and for the chap dismantling
a car
in that remote location), one of the most vital tools you'll want to have in
the "field" is a hand held Impact socket kit.  The Craftsman version will
cost you $20 or so.  The idea is that you smack this tool with a rather
hefty hammer, and it'll generate up to 200 ft lbs. of torque, rotating the
head of the bolt or screw at the same time of course.

I have used this tool for the exact purpose of getting the screws that hold
the door onto the hinges off.  Do wear a glove though, or you are likely to
get some blisters on your hand from smacking the tool with the large hammer.

The tool comes with a variety of screw bits, but also accepts 1/2"
sockets... so it can be pretty handy.">>

And so it is, Kai.  That said, it IS only as good as the "bit" on the end,

Give me one good reason to totally RUIN a perfectly good Phillips bit in a
PoziDirve fastener??

And the fastener itself??

 'Cause if you use the correct tool for the job, ya stand a heck of a lot
better chance of getting said job done without ruining anything (except da
hand holding said "impact" tool<G><G>).



PS:  How's dat, Peter????  As Allen says, "...enqu..................".
Never mind<G>.

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