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Re: Why Kai Bought a Triumph

Subject: Re: Why Kai Bought a Triumph
From: "David Lynes" <>
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 11:11:33 -0500
What a waste of bandwidth and our time, you little troll.

What happened? You had to junk your MG because you couldn't even give it 
away?  Sounds like a condition problem. By the way, what happened to your 
private MG List?

Kai, can you spell kill file? I'm not even going to use the delete key for 
you as I usually do.  What an attitude. I for one am having fun, and pay 
through the nose for my MG parts and often express shipping, and my 
suppliers love me.

David Lynes, Woodstock, GA
73 Midget
78 MGB

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