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More Carb Problems

To: "MG List" <>
Subject: More Carb Problems
From: "Greg Bass" <>
Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2001 19:04:00 -0400
I hope no one minds me continuing to ask some "rudimentary" questions.
Anyway... I asked about tuning the single ZS on my B a couple of weeks ago
and I followed the tips/instruction to the letter. I had the engine idling
very nicely at about 900 rpm. I then took it for a spin and it seemed to run
just fine. Later that day I took it out again and it went about 3 miles
seemingly normal, but when I pulled into get some gas the engine died. I
went ahead and pumped the gas but the B wouldn't crank back up. It sounded
like it was flooded and after about an hour it fired back up, the rpm's
jumped immediately up to about 3000 but dropped again if I tapped the

Does it sound like I need to remove and clean the chock? Anything had this
type of problem before? Should I replace stock chock it with a manual one.

Any thoughts and/or advice would be appreciated.

Greg Bass
'78 B

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