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Re: Who know the whereabouts!??!

To: "Jeff Fayne" <>, <>, <>
Subject: Re: Who know the whereabouts!??!
From: Carl W French <>
Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2001 15:29:55 -0400
At 11:19 AM 4/27/01 -0500, Jeff Fayne wrote:
>Denise Thorpe, wasn't it?  Didn't she write the list that she was being
>stalked sometime after moving?
>Hope nothing ill became of it...

that is the one I was thinking about. I searched her on Google and other 
than two good LBC tips she left I did not find a website she had that 
outlined the problems she had been having. I was not on the list when she 
was first on but remember when she came back for about a year and then she 
had to go underground again and that was quite a while ago. I miss her as 
she was possessing of a good sense of humor (I remember the 'custom' dual 
SU  t- shirt some one offered to make her). She also knew her way around a 
british car. I hope she is OK and look forward to her return.

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