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infamous Lucas turn signal question

Subject: infamous Lucas turn signal question
From: Bill Saidel <>
Date: Sat, 5 May 2001 19:55:58 -0400 (EDT)
Here's a question that must have come up before.

My '76B turn signals were flashing at a labored 1 every 5 seconds left &
right. Turn the headlights on or brake lights and the rate decreased
drastically. So before I went through tracing and cleaning the bullet
plugs in the harness, I thought I'd replace the flasher relay first. It
was easier.

Now, the right side flashes fine and independent of headlights or brake
lights. The left side flashes about 100/s (well, 20/s). I'm almost afraid
of an epileptic fit. But then I flashed the high/low beams of the
headlight and it started flashing 'right'.  Played around with this for a
few more times and it is repeatable as I described. 

So, is there a way to get into the turn-signal/high beam switch to clean
it or do these symptoms mean it is time to buy a new $117 switch?

Bill S

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