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Re: Getting high

To: Bill Dudley <>
Subject: Re: Getting high
From: Tab Julius <>
Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2001 10:38:36 -0400
Thanks!  Maybe I can climb to A-Basin in it! :)

At 08:38 AM 6/29/01 -0600, Bill Dudley wrote:
>You will definitely notice a difference in performance at 12,000 feet.  Your
>engine will lose about 30 percent of its power going from sea level to 10,000
>feet.  That along with the steeper grades you will be climbing will result
>significantly less performance than what you are used to.
>You will find that the gas sold at higher altitudes actually has a lower 
>rating.  For example, here in Denver unleaded premium is 91 octane, 
>compared to
>92-93 octane in lower climes.  Because of this, when we rebuild our LBC's 
>we can
>use a higher compression ratio than you would use at sea level.
>Since you probably don't want to rebuild your engine for the trip<G>, I would
>recommend that you set your carbs a little leaner than normal before you leave
>(less oxygen up here).  You may find you have to adjust the idle speed on your
>On a more positive note, our local MG club (MGCC Rocky Mountain Centre) takes
>road trips on the highest passes in the state, and our A's, B's and T 
>series cars
>can handle any of them.  The winding mountain roads are a blast in an MG!
>Bill Dudley  67 B

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