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Re: Tire Balancing

To: Eugene Balinski <>
Subject: Re: Tire Balancing
From: Paul Root <>
Date: Fri, 09 Jul 2004 12:43:48 -0500
Dwight had no trouble balancing the wheels. He did mention
that he had to put them on a different way than modern cars.
But if here was a problem. I sure didn't see it.

They all balanced up fine.

Let us know on the Sumitomos. I was leaning toward them, but wanted
get the tires done before they'd be in stock at TR.


Eugene Balinski wrote:

> Listers,
>    I am about to purchase the Sumitomo tires for the B from
> the Tire Rack.  I have been told that the Rostyle wheels
> need to be "finger balanced" - that is the wheels are
> centered on the lugs and not the hole in the center.  
>    I found a few shops that can handle the 5" wide rims. I
> am having trouble finding a tire shop that can do this type
> balancing.  Has anyone else had this problem ?  
> Thanks,
>    Gene Balinski
>       80 B   

    ______      Paul T. Root
   /    _ \     1977 MGB
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