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Re: MGA RAG TOP air leak

To: Simon Matthews <>,
Subject: Re: MGA RAG TOP air leak
From: Barney Gaylord <>
Date: Wed, 04 Jan 2006 23:39:18 -0600
At 03:43 PM 1/4/06, Simon Matthews wrote:
>On 1/4/06, <> wrote:
> >....
> > Actually, at speed the darn thing bowed up a good two inches 
> and  became a giant fresh air scoop,
>Wow.  I have never seen this happen to  the top of my '57A .... 
>Perhaps age makes the wood stiffer and less prone to lifting?

To quote our past US President Clinton, it only depends on what your 
definition of the word "is" is.  In this case, I personally 
understand his concept of "speed".  BTDT.  My 1500 has long since 
been wearing the 1600 type center clamp.  Wouldn't be without it.

Barney Gaylord
1958 MGA with an attitude

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