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Re: Re.: [MGS] Rattling sound from the rear 73 GT

To: Norm <>,
Subject: Re: Re.: [MGS] Rattling sound from the rear 73 GT
From: Carl French <>
Date: Mon, 7 May 2007 17:13:11 -0700 (PDT)
Thanks for the follow-up Norm. I did have it up on a driveon lift last weekend 
up at Britbits duing thier open house. I the only thing we did find was a very 
loose Right shock link and I am going to hange that soon. There was a slightly 
loose front U joint as well but that was not the sound location. I was thinking 
about it some more this week (while driving of course). I wonder if the front 
end of the Peco muffler got brought up just a bit so that in the right 
situation, it could cause the vibration. It is funny that it is so intermittant 
(have it one day and then not the next 2-3 days). 
  Carl French

Norm <> wrote:

What kind of lift did you put your B up on? Did it support the wheels or
the chassis? If the latter, you likely missed where the exhaust system was
close to the body/chassis.

It would be best if you could put your car up on a drive-on lift. Then with
the engine running you should be able to locate exactly where the exhaust
system is shaking against the body/chassis.

I had this problem with my MGB after hitting a highway blacktop swell. It
whacked the curve of the header down-pipe just enough to cause it to sit
close enough to the under-trans cross-member to bang against it under
acceleration. Only solution was a new header down-pipe.

Norm Sippel

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