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Re: [Mgs] declining dolllar & MG cars

Subject: Re: [Mgs] declining dolllar & MG cars
From: David Breneman <>
Date: Sat, 22 Sep 2007 11:29:43 -0700 (PDT)
--- Mike Duvall <> wrote:

> Unfortunately this reminds me of  the terrible economic policies of
>  the late seventies when we saw gas prices higher than now and the 

> death of MG, et al.  permanent stagflation was what the democratic 
> think tanks called it,  I believe Jimmy Carter used the term  
> malaise.....

Jimmy Carter also had an influence on the demise of MG.  His
head of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration,
Ralph Nader stooge Joan Claybrook, was making very loud noises
to the effect that one of the "highway safety" initiatives in
the second Carter term would be to ban convertibles because
of thair poor "rollover-worthiness".  The US had already banned
the MGB-GT for the same reason.  The policy announcement
caused GM to leave the convertible market in the late 70s,
and no car maker sold soft top cars in the US again until the
mid 1980s.  Yeah, malaise was his term.  Jimmy Carter was the
perfect president for the 70s.  What a bleak decade.

David Breneman

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