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Re: [Mgs] Late Alternator

To: "Eugene Balinski" <>
Subject: Re: [Mgs] Late Alternator
From: "Bert Palte" <>
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2010 08:25:03 +0200
Hi Gene,

>From the symptoms you describe, it looks that probably 
it is just the carbon brushes that are shot.
These are in the $5 - 10 range.

I strongly recommend that you examine the alternator first, 
as I have found that several "rebuilt" alternators are c**p. 
IIRC you need a 1/4" AF hex socket for dismantling the black cover at the rear 
of the alternator.

Just my $ .02 worth.

70 B

> All,
>   Well, the Alternator light on the dash was just starting
> to illuminate when I brought the car home the other night.
>  Raise the rpm a bit and it goes out.  I have never seen it
> do that before so it is probably time for an alternator.
>  It is the original one. 
>    I will check the voltage regulator, belt tension, and
> connections, but in the event that an alternator is called
> for, what is the general wisdom ?   Auto Zone supposedly
> has a direct Lucas replacement (45 AMP rating), for $112.00
> including core fee.   Moss has one for $119.00   
>     However, I understand that the preferred method is to
> use a higher output GM alternator with appropriate wiring
> change.  Can someone re-enlighten me?
> Thanks,
>    Gene 80 B
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