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[Mgs] Starter Issues?

Subject: [Mgs] Starter Issues?
From: steve at (Steve Shoyer)
Date: Mon, 15 Aug 2011 18:40:34 -0400
References: <C803B28FE6F14E76A1D156548E8D1B3A@frankdcczr6l6k>
Frank, I did the conversion on my 1980 MGB a couple of years ago, after the
post on my original solenoid snapped and I couldn't get the wires connected
easily.  It was a pretty straightforward replacement, not requiring much
swearing.  If I remember correctly, the trickiest part was supporting the
starter while getting the bolts in place.

It works well, although the sound of the starter is more different (and less
pleasant) than the original.


-----Original Message-----
...  I do have one of those new Hi Torque replacement starters that has been
sitting on my parts shelf for many years. Has anyone here ever made the swap
to that starter? Is it a straighforward swap or are there converision issues
to deal with? ...

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