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Re: Information

To: "Arlo J. Levisen" <>
Subject: Re: Information
From: Colin Cobb <>
Date: Mon, 05 Apr 1999 15:08:37 -0600
Hey Arlo,

Regarding Ken Hill's "The Art of Selling a Unique Sports Car" you wrote:

>> I have never seen this particular Ken Hill book, but I have another by
him.  I am sure this one is well worth this price as well. <<

Well, sorta...

The "Art of..." (158 pp plus addenda, c., 1997) is worth owning 
(particularly at $14.98) UNLESS you already have Hill's earlier book, 
"75 Years on the Road" (158 pp plus index, c., 1984) as the content is 
nearly identical save for some use of color in the "Art" book and a 
feeble attempt at labeling some of the ads as to date and so forth. The 
addendum is a listing of Morgan factory literature. 

If you randomly open one of the books to, say, page 74, then open the 
other book to the same page, you will find the IDENTICAL material. (On 
page 74 of both, for example, is a cut of the '34 Super Sports.)

I don't know why Ken Hill elected to release the books under different 
titles rather than just labeling "Art" as a later revised edition of "75 
Years," which is what it is. (Well, actually I DO know why he did it 
that way...)

Believe me, I felt pretty damned silly when I bought "Art" through the 
mail (for $30 plus shipping) and found it virtually identical to "75 
Years" which I already had in my library.

Ah, well...

--Colin Cobb, Las Cruces, NM, USA

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