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FW: Shopsmith and tools in general

To: "''" <shop-talk@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: FW: Shopsmith and tools in general
From: George Zhookoff <>
Date: Tue, 24 Mar 1998 08:45:23 -0500

From:  Tom VanNess
Sent:  Tuesday, March 24, 1998 8:42 AM

Subject:  RE: Shopsmith and tools in general

Despite the marketing perspective that you can (make) sell one device 
to be all things for all tasks, I agree with these guys.  A "modular" 
tool ends up being too expensive and "sub-optimized" for most of the 
tasks it is intended to perform. About the only truly "modular" tool I 
own is my compressor.  The absolute best tools for you would be a 
Bridgeport End Mill and a small metal Lathe (in that order).  A brand 
new Bridgeport is only(!) $9,000.  But the darn thing can do ANYTHING 
. . . I would even like to have one for cutting wood.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: mikey @ []
> > I'm wondering about Shopsmiths. What do you people think of this
> > lots-in-one tool? Or should I find a selection of specific tools?
> >
>  Guess I am trying to say they are ok,
> but
> they will never do the job as well as a dedicated tool.
>       mike

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