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How and Where

To: "Robert E. Shlafer" <pilotrob@webtv.net>,
Subject: How and Where
From: "Bob" <rcampion@usadatanet.net>
Date: Tue, 4 Jul 2006 17:53:47 -0400
How do you get the rear wheel cylinders off.  Haynes says  "slide cylinder 
forward.  Pivot the cylinder to withdraw etc"  but we can't get it out.  The 
arm to the hand brake cable is still in it.  Does it come out first?

We need to order parts, but still are not sure what we have here.  We were 
told the real chassis number is stamped behind the suspension mount on the 
passenger side just below the shock absorber.  Well, I am a novice and can't 
find it.  Could you perhaps help me out with a picture from the parts 
catalogs or Haynes or Leyland manual?  A page and part number it would be 
on, or something very basic to find.

Am finding white paint under crease and grime I have scraped off.  Car now 
is an ugly red.

Thanks in advance..

61 Sprite that ain't quite right 

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