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Re: Windshield Wipers

To: Bob <rcampion@usadatanet.net>
Subject: Re: Windshield Wipers
From: "Brad Fornal" <tequila.brad@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 8 Aug 2006 15:13:46 -0500
If it looks like rain is looming, treat your window with Rain-X, it
really does work. I don't have to turn the wipers on at all, if I
don't want to. Of course, the other thing that helps some, is the
delay wiper system that I added. It allows the wind to push the wipers
down some, while it is between swipes, and then it is slightly better
on the sweep. For the most part, I am usually high tailing it for the
house anyway.
The worst was one day, I was out in the 65 Sprite. I had left to top
at the house, cuz no rain was forcast. I was about 6 miles from home,
when a Texas Turd Floater hit. Here I am, sitting as high as the
windscreen top, on the orginal 65 seat squab, inside and outside of
the windscreen wet, inside and outside of my glasses wet, hauling ass
for the house, totally soaked to the skin.
For you pre 67 car owners, NEVER leave your top at home, NEVER!!!


On 8/8/06, Bob <rcampion@usadatanet.net> wrote:
> That's what I figured, but for the occasional time when the rain sneaks up
> on you, then it must be fun.  Thanks for the info, and Frank, I am going to
> move that top today, so they will park at least.
> Thanks guys
> Bob Campion
> Vernon, NY


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