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Re: The "V" for what?

To: David Lieb <dbl@chicagolandmgclub.com>
Subject: Re: The "V" for what?
From: b-evans@earthlink.net
Date: Sun, 17 Dec 2006 17:15:58 -0800
David Lieb wrote:  "Now now now, you should be aware that, by properly 
attributing my sources, I am certainly NOT cheating. I would also like 
to bring your attention to the fact that I carefully stated that the 
notes RESEMBLE the code, unlike the other dude who claimed they WERE the 
code. Last I checked, morse code did not use actual musical notes and 
dit dit dit dah did not equal g g g e-flat. ;-)   You owe me a can of 
spam! Besides, my entry hit the list server 11 minutes before his did.

Congratulations David, you are hereby confirmed as the winner, and any 
subsequent correct answers will have to satisfy themselves strolling 
down the street in the genuwine immitation mink Carnivora Mephitis.  
You, however, receive not just "a" can of spam, but a year's supply in 
the mail from the 749,336 of the world's outstanding producers of spam, 
including African banking functionaries offering you a split of the 
millions left on deposit, numerous African governmental oil officials 
who have to dump billions of dollars of illicit oil holdings, suppliers 
of off-brand name pharmaceuticals from Canada, and, at the request of 
your wife, manufacturers of a wide range of herbal products for your 
erectile dysfuction!

May you enjoy your reading today and every day for the next year!

Buster Evans
Genial Host and Quizmaster

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