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Re: RPM vs Torque - a Fairy Tale

To: Gary <garywinblad@comcast.net>
Subject: Re: RPM vs Torque - a Fairy Tale
From: sosnaenergyconsulting <sosnaenergyconsulting@cox.net>
Date: Tue, 04 Nov 2003 16:21:56 -0800
Hi Gary:
You mean a light little car like, say, a lotus 7? :-)

Actually, you're right--the Tiger falls into a 'lightweight' class just 
by attrition--it's getting tough to find a large scale automaker who's 
offerings are much less than 2800 lb these days--and the idea of running 
around in a 1300 lb Lotus 7, while attractive, takes on an entirely 
different aspect when surrounded by 5,000 lb SUV's.

But it's things like this link that have me concerned:

If they actually install these things, I have visions of having to 
defend myself regularly to the smog police (who was it who said that any 
communication from government to citizen invariably contains a threat of 
some sort?) by reminding them that my '66 Tiger is exempt here in 
California. Of course, it's supposed to be *their* responsibility to 
prove that my car is subject both to current emissions standards and 
that it's exceeding them--so why do I still feel uneasy?
Okay, that's the rant for now.....


David (Luddite) Sosna

Gary wrote:

> Ah HA!
> I thought the point of the story was to have a light little car (like a
> Tiger)
> with gobs of  horsePOWER (high power to weight ratio).  BTW, some
> people LIKE to keep the revs up there.  There are just different styles
> of drivers.  I had a former girlfriend that had a 914, a 911 and a Boxster.
> She felt perfectly comfortable keeping them up at the red line all over
> town..  while I short shift EVERY time unless I am racing or something.
> Gary
> ----- Original Message ----- 

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