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Re: Water Temp. Problem

To: rpalmer@ucsd.edu
Subject: Re: Water Temp. Problem
From: Sage <ssage@socal.rr.com>
Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2003 22:21:27 -0800
Bob Palmer wrote:

>There is a bypass hose on the thermostat housing that allows water to pass
>directly to the water pump and back through the engine. If this hose were
>blocked, it would probably produce the symptoms you describe. The
>temperature would build up, but since the water isn't flowing, the
>thermostat wouldn't open until much later than it should. It could also be a
>half dozen other things, but this is probably worth adding to the list of
>things to check.
>Good luck,
>Bob Palmer
Good suggestion. That bypass hose has been on there a long time. I'll add that 
to the list.

Steve Sage

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