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Re: PCV on a Good's Triple intake?'s

To: tjh173@yahoo.com (Timothy Holbrook)
Subject: Re: PCV on a Good's Triple intake?'s
From: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Date: Fri, 6 Dec 2002 16:52:06 -0800 (PST)
Tim---I have my fuel tank vent line and the crankcase hose both venting
into a fitted "funnel" between the air filter and the  carb intake. This
gives sort of a draft tube effect, as the engine draws in its needed
air. Not exactly the "closed" system that the factory had in mind, but
better than letting it all hang out, so to speak...

At one time, I tried the overflow bottle method to collect the crankcase
"milk" thru a hose from the fuel pump blanking plate. Can't say that it
didn't work, I just didn't like the looks of it.


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