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Re: Harrington History Help

Subject: Re: Harrington History Help
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2000 15:59:26 -0800
Neat to see the pictures.  One question.  The horns seem to be in the
engine compartment.  What's that about?  Is that the way the early Alpines
were?  Are the side holes blocked off (which is actually an important thing
to do for Alpines with heat problems - forces more air through the radiator
rather than around it.  Tigers owners do this - they also build a cover
that goes from the end of the bottom valence to the cross member.  This
causes the air going under the car to fly by, and when it reaches the other
end of the cross member, creates a suction to pull air through the radiator
faster rather than cause the air to be drawn down under the radiator before
it even gets to the radiator - but that's all way off topic).  I do recall
reading that Harrington solved an overheating problem the real Le Mans
Alpines were having.  Maybe that's part of it.


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