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Re: [re: Jack Needed]

To: "Rick Harrison" <>,
Subject: Re: [re: Jack Needed]
From: Jan Eyerman <>
Date: 24 Jul 2001 22:04:05 EDT
Always use jack stands and always through something under the car as an
"emergency" support.  Years ago a friend of mine was unbolting something under
a car and pulled so hard on his breaker bar that he pulled the car off of the
jacks!  Fortunately, I had tossed an old wooden box under the car-so it sat on
the box for a few moments-enough for him to get out from under, and then came
down the rest of the way.  

I always TRIPLE support and always try to use something that the car can't
come off of.  In addition, I chock the wheels.  

I like Rootes cars a lot, but not that I want one laying on top of me!

Jan Eyerman
1959 Hillman Minx Series III DeLUxe
1973 Hillman Avenger DL

"Rick Harrison" <> wrote:
Dear Listers,

I think the important thing to remember is never to work under a car no 
matter what kind of jack you are using. Always use ramps or stands. I have 
read and heard too many news items about people being killed under cars when 
a jack fails - and we need all the sunbeam enthusiasts we can get!
As far as scissor jacks go - I can remember visiting a friend of mine who 
was working under his Datsun 1600 using just a scissor type jack to support 
the car, he got out from under to talk to me and a few moments later there 
was a loud bang, which was the sound of the jack breaking and down came the 
(wheel-less) car. I guess you could say I had inadvertently saved his life! 
Food for thought anyway.

Rick Harrison


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