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South Alabama Autox on 11/21

Subject: South Alabama Autox on 11/21
Date: Sat, 20 Nov 1999 21:14:44 EST
The Wiregrass Reion is hosting it's monthly autox on Sunday, Nov. 21 at Hunt 
Stage Field.  Weather predicted to be mid-70's with clear, sunny skies.  Site 
is 1000' x 400' brushed concrete with all the paved pitspace you will need.  
Hunt Stage Field is located off US Hwy 231 approx. 15 miles north of Dothan, 
AL  or 5 miles south of Ozark, AL depending on the direction your coming 
from.  Take US Hwy 231 to County Road 18 and turn west (Exxon gas station on 
corner).  The site is about 1/2 mile further on the right.  The schedule is 
as follows (CST):

  9:30 AM, Site opens for course setup.
10:30 AM, Registration opens, vehicles tech'd.
12:00 PM, Driver's meeting, followed by competition runs.

Turnout usually allows minimum 5 - 6 runs.  There are no workers at Wiregrass 
events, drivers are sent back out to stand up any cones they knock over.  
Course design will be National caliber, approx 50 - 60 seconds long.  Come on 
out and have fun.

Mark Sipe

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