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Re: STS Tires - best way!!!

To: "Roger Johnson" <>
Subject: Re: STS Tires - best way!!!
From: "Eric Linnhoff" <>
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 23:18:53 -0600
>There are 4 solutions to this problem.  And ONLY four:
>-Keep STS as a local-only class.  No National participation.
>-Switch all of the STS drivers/cars to STR. (Not good!)
>-Spec Tire.  One tire, from one manufacturer.  Done with decent
>        success in Club Racing.
>-Spec Vendor.
If those are the only choices then I'll vote for the last option.  It leaves
the most freedom to the competitor.

Choice 1 is not at all acceptable to us, the STS competitors.  Choice 2 is
contrary to the class ideology.

Choice 3 is boring and how comparable is it really to Club Racing since we
run many different kinds of cars with different drivetrains and handling
characteristics?  Don't they only use spec tires in the SRF class?  What
other Club Racing National classes mandate spec tires?  I know that Regional
classes such as Spec RX-7 and Spec Miata do this but who else?

If those truly are the only workable solutions then I choose #4 and would
request that the TireRack be the official vendor.  I'm sure they wouldn't
cry too much over this either.  ;^)  Certainly they could "stamp" the tires
somehow to verify their origin.

Roger, despite my pig headedness, big mouth (or fingers) and strange
penchant for the taste of my Nikes, I do thank you for your concern and
ideas to this problem.

Eric Linnhoff in KC
#69 STS    TLS #13
'98 Neon R/T

"Fill what's empty, empty what's full,
and scratch where it itches."
The Duchess of Windsor when asked
what is the secret of a long and happy life

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