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Re: T-Rex's legal for Solo2?

Subject: Re: T-Rex's legal for Solo2?
From: "Bill Fuhrmann" <>
Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2003 09:48:11 -0500
>We had a guy show up to our local KC Region event who wanted to run his ...

>He said he had "a 
>letter from Topeka saying it's legal" but he didn't have it with him.

If someone NEEDS particular documentation, I would have suggested that he find
a way to keep a copy with the vehicle.  
One possibility would be to get a plastic documentation envelope and tape it
inside one of the panels or to get a documentation tube like come on lawnmowers
and attach it somewhere.

>I don't know.  It sure doesn't meet the AM rules (the only class where I can

>reasonably assume it might even begin to fit) by virtue of only having three

>wheels and not having a SCCA-legal roll bar structure.
>We hated to turn the guy away, but we just couldn't let him run it without

>knowing if it's legal.

Much depends on how your insurance is worded.  Would it have covered him?

Just to avoid turning him away (assuming that there were no insurance or safety
concerns, you could have checked in the driver's meeting if anyone had any 
about putting him in your least restrictive class.  A Mod?  Special Interest?

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