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RE: Time Trial at Thunderhill

To: <>, <>
Subject: RE: Time Trial at Thunderhill
From: "Navid Kahangi" <>
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 11:35:44 -0800
Charlie ses:

> And I'll add my own.  Don't go for rides at 135 in a car without
> a full cage
> and competition restraints...  :-)
> Charlie

Why not stay home and knit instead?  It's much safer!  That's of course if
you have the safety-approved needles and yarn.

I have been doing track schools and racing as long as I've been doing
autocross.  I have never had a scratch on my car.  Accident do happen
(especially now that Charlie has jinxed me), but the schools and time trials
are very safe.  The risk of accidents do increase with wheel-to-wheel
competition.  That's why the cage and other safety equipment is required for
that kind of racing.


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