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Re: Crows Landing Airfield Autox

To: Chris Warner <>
Subject: Re: Crows Landing Airfield Autox
From: Kenneth Allan Mitchell <>
Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2002 07:02:05 -0700
Just north of Newman and south of Patterson. You take the Fink Road off
ramp from I.S. 5 and go south to Bell Road and turn left and you will
find the entrance into the site.

Chris Warner wrote:
> Where is crows landing airfield?
> ]-----Original Message-----
> ]From:
> ][] On Behalf Of Jim Martin
> ]Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 6:59 PM
> ]To:
> ]Subject: Crows Landing Airfield Autox
> ]
> ]
> ]I finally got the OK to have an autox at the old Crows Landing
> ]Naval Air Station.  It only took 9 years of talking to
> ]everyone from Congressmen to local Supervisors.
> ]
> ]We get November 9-10 this year and if all goes well we can
> ]have about 18 weekends there for any club  next year.  AAS and
> ]SCCA will have priority on dates but there should be plenty of
> ]weekends for all clubs.
> ]
> ]The tentative plan is for an AAS event on Saturday and SCCA on
> ]Sunday with a great party Saturday night at the local new Best
> ]Western hotel .
> ]
> ]Continued use of this site depends on our economic impact to
> ]the area.  The only real measure will be how many rooms
> ](discounted to $55- for us) we use each weekend so I hope
> ]everyone can stay at least Saturday night at the Patterson
> ]Best Western.  The hotel has lots of parking.  A nice bar and
> ]large restaurant and banquet room.
> ]
> ]Bryan and Jesus are working hard on all of the many details of
> ]this event to make it happen and be a great event for everyone!
> ]
> ]
> ]             J im Martin
> ]

Kenneth Allan Mitchell

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