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Re: multiple Series with multiple personalities?

To: "Bryan Nemy" <>, "'autox'"
Subject: Re: multiple Series with multiple personalities?
Date: Wed, 5 Oct 2005 23:42:38 -0700

Point taken.  Good thing the Giants moved to that other park!

And I don't count NASCAR at Infineon as a conflict.  It's "racing", but heck
their Tauruses don't even have front wheel drive or four doors, which really
soured me on NASCAR as sport. (ducking and covering....)

But back to Jerry's original intent, as I took it, to re-examine his
preferences versus the schedule.  What would any others here think of adding
some more drops?
Positive: a little more flexibility in being able to compete for a trophy
Positive: those with the real racing Jones can run as often as they want and
get to drop an occasional balloonfoot performance
Negative: I don't get to see Don Ebaugh, Mr. 100%, as often!
Negative: Someone is sure to say, "Just don't show up, that gives you
maximum flexibility!" "Real racing involves suffering, get over it!" Etc.
Negative: Slight average attendance drop.  Possibly offset by higher member
satisfaction, higher spousal satisfaction if you play it right, and
sometimes there's just too many darn cars in the run group you have to work
for anyway.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Bryan Nemy" <>
To: "'PAUL TIBBALS'" <>; "'autox'"
Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2005 10:46 PM
Subject: RE: multiple Series with multiple personalities?

> OK:  The fine art of producing a SFR Solo 2 schedule.
> Conflicts:
> Fresno Chapter
> Sacramento Chapter
> Major races at Infineon
> Did I leave anything out?

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