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Fw: Bricklin 4 Sale

To: "Bricklin" <>
Subject: Fw: Bricklin 4 Sale
From: "Greg Monfort" <>
Date: Thu, 3 Feb 2000 01:29:33 -0500
I don't think seeing a well done one is that much motivation. Anyone who's
done a restoration knows the effort involved, and those that don't learn
real quick.

Resale value, to justify it, or the desire to have a ~unique car to drive
are the motivators IMO.

Forget resale value. While there are a few fools who will pay too much for
something, for whatever reason, rarity or pedigree sets the normal limits;
not how nice they can be made. Even if it was, the best ones still look like
kit cars, and not very good ones either, IMO.

Bricklins aren't rare yet, and Malcohm's business shenanigans coupled with
their kit car quality / mundane drivetrain, etc. guarantees that they will
never have any pedigree.

When I bought mine I knew  I probably would never sell it as long as it
could be kept running, but I believed that it would eventually keep pace
with inflation. That hasn't happened though, and with the government 'green
machine' cranked up, I doubt they ever will now.

I find it interesting that the various Austin Healey's and MG's, which are
worse cars in just about every way (and more plentiful) have been increasing
faster than inflation for quite some time. Rusted out parts cars go for more
than an average condition Bricklin.

They are paying big bucks to restore them because there's enough folks who
will pay for it on resale, though few are resold. This is another reason the
prices are high, a backlog of buyers. Makes me wish I had set mine on blocks
out back instead of selling them for practically nothing decades ago.

Now if we convert some Bricklins to high quality
convertibles..................I bet these could be sold without losing your
shirt, giving some much needed exposure. When new, the Bricklin drew more
attention than a Vette, and a convertible one I believe would outshine a
same year convertible Vette, and we all know what kind of prices they bring.
This in turn raises the rarity value of the pristine originals through

These cars are not daily drivers, they're for fun, and fun means a
convertible to most folks, and many want something that's not 'run of the
mill'. Look at some of the prices folks pay for kit car body kits for older
Vettes to make them distinctive.

Frankly, I'm surprised that TT hasn't built some already. Some attractive
renderings were published in the Brickline long ago.


----- Original Message -----
> I wonder if there other ways to draw more attention to the cars that do
> at the meets?  As a way to help people appreciate how good Bricklins can
> and also inspire more owners to fix up their cars.
> George Curley

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