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Re: polishing parts of cars

To: british-cars@alliant.Alliant.COM
Subject: Re: polishing parts of cars
From: Cory Carpenter <mit-eddie!!coryc@EDDIE.MIT.EDU>
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 90 15:38:33 -0700
>From: mit-eddie!!mason@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Nark Mason)
>I don't expect the finish on my shiny stuff to last, I'd coat it with
>something to keep the finish if someone could sugguest a way to keep
>gasoline off the carbs of a car that'll be used as a everyday driver.

I believe that epoxy-based spray paint is supposed to be impervious to
gasoline.  However, I'm not sure whether it's available in clear.  Might
be worth checking into!


|     >> Disclaimer: I speak for Sequent only in our hardware manuals <<       |
| Cory R. Carpenter, Tech Writer | "What is *this* thing called, Love?"        |
| Sequent Computer Systems, Inc. | "No, no! What is this thing called *love*!" |
| Beaverton, Oregon, USA         |         (from "The Benny Hill Show")        
||| {uunet}!sequent!coryc          |                                            
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