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Re: Spark plugs

Subject: Re: Spark plugs
From: mjb (Mark Bradakis)
Date: Fri, 27 Mar 92 11:18:32 -0700
I've never tried Splitfire plugs, and if they cost $6 each I probably never

To give the spark better access to the mixture, I index my plugs.
What this entails is drawing a line on the body of the plug that
coincides with the position of the electrode.  Then take your batch of
plugs and put them in the spark plug holes, such that the line ends up
oriented away from the inlet valve.  It may take a few tries, swapping
plugs amongst holes until you have an acceptable position for each.

The idea behind this is that you don't want the electrode sticking up in
the middle of the stream of incoming charge.


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