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Re: Magical Rust Conversion Liquids

Subject: Re: Magical Rust Conversion Liquids
From: (Garry Archer)
Date: Fri, 27 Mar 92 13:34:13 -0500
Phil Ethier sez:
> I had sed:
> >I smeared GE Silicone goop all around the area.  This also acted as an
> >adhesive to keep the name-plate in place.  Know what?  The rust never
> >got any worse.
>Wow.  I would have thought the ascetic acid in that stuff would raise hell with
>the rust.

Hmmm, interesting.  However, the acetic acid tends to flash off during the
curing process.  Anyway, I'll find out when I dig into the problem this

        Fingers and all else crossed...
        - Garry Archer

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