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Re: Need advice on buying British sports car in Denmark

Subject: Re: Need advice on buying British sports car in Denmark
From: (Flemming Larsen)
Date: Sat, 3 Sep 1994 02:35:16 -0700
On Tue, 30 Aug 1994, Mark Clark <> asked for
advice on buying a British sportscar in Denmark.

Been there, done that, don't have no stinkin' t-shirt to show for it!

I purchased my first LBC, a 1959 MGA, in Denmark some twenty years ago.

I paid 12500.00 DKr for it, spent about a year and several thousand DKrs
trying to get it to pass the safety inspection to get it registered.
I ended up selling it for 9000.00 DKr (6.00 DKr is approx. US$1.00).

There are two alternatives to buying an LBC in Denmark:

    1.  Buy a rust-free California LBC, ship it to Denmark, pay the
        approx. 180% registration tax, pray it will pass the safety
        inspection (It won't) then drive it around the beautiful
        country roads in Denmark during the 3 week long Danish summer
        and park it during the winter when the roads are salted.
        You'll need to buy gas. 6.00 DKr per liter is almost $4.00 per
        gallon! You'll also need to buy insurance ... if you can get it!

    2.  Move to California where LBCs are plentiful, cheap(ish) and
        rust is (almost) non-existent.

I chose alternative #2.

 -- Flemming Larsen             

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