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[British Cars]re:OK, Now what

Subject: [British Cars]re:OK, Now what
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 2004 08:11:49 -0600
Re:Re:OK, Now what
> mjb:
> > What a bunch of arcane crap. The guys cooking up this "forum"
> > must be computer geeks spending far too much time in front of
> > a PC instead of driving their British cars.
> Well, it is only ONE guy, me.  And yes, I spend WAY too much time  in front 
>of the computer trying to keep all the email, ftp and web services available 
>even to such folks like this who have no clue as to what it takes to make it 
>all happen. 
> Which is one reason I'm thinking that over the long term moving folks from 
>mailing lists to forums.  It could be a lot less work on my part in the long 
>run.  But this software is a bit odd, there should be an obvious 'Reply' or 
>'New Post' button when a member looks at a forum.
> At any rate, I'll work on getting messages out to the various marque and 
>model lists about how it all works RealSoonNow.
> mjb.

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