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Roadster sighting

To: "datsun list" <>
Subject: Roadster sighting
From: "Kerry Zariwny" <>
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 1999 20:32:58 -0700
Hope everyone's weekend was cool!

Just saw a red low windshield 1600 going south on 205 near the Estacada exit 
and was wondering if he was on the list. We were in
the black 4 runner that almost took you out, merging onto the freeway.

Take care!

Kerry Z
West Linn, Oregon
1968 1600

{Concerning the comment about almost running over the roadster with the SUV,  
PLEASE NOTE: IT WAS A JOKE!! Please quell the urge
for yet another Anti-SUV thread. No anti-SUV flames allowed! If you absolutely 
feel the need to email, please include your address
and where you park your roadster. Also please include at what time of day you 
are not home. That way I will be able to come over
with my SUV and double axle trailer and show you how usefully these things 
really are! <grin!>}

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