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Buy good parts!!

Subject: Buy good parts!!
From: "Brian St. Jacques" <>
Date: Tue, 05 Sep 2000 10:17:11 -0700
Al little OT, but about 2 years ago I was doing and engine swap/conversion 
on my Toyota 4X. I had a nice clutch on order, but unfortunately it did not 
arrive before I was ready to stab the engine, so I ran down to the Napa 
store and picked up a kit to throw in. Recently, the clutch stopped 
disengaging, so after replacing all of the hydraulics to no avail, I had to 
pull things apart to see what was going on. To my surprise, more than 3/4 
of the fingers the throw out bearing pushes on were busted off. I got a 
nice new unit from the dealer and I am once again back on the road....
                   ........but learn from my haste and impatience- buy 
good, quality parts from the get go. It will save a lot of headaches down 
the road.

Brian '68 1600

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