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tow truck blues

To: "Roadster List" <>
Subject: tow truck blues
From: "Pam & Paul Bauman" <>
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2000 18:59:40 -0700
Well, it appears that the last nail in the Doheny coffin got nailed in
today. Have been fighting an insane 12-hour day work schedule, a real doozy
of a cold and now a late tow truck driver! Set up for 9AM, arrived at noon.
The beast is languishing at the muffler shop till tomorrow and it looks like
there is just too much to do to get her running B4 Saturday. Non-Roadster
life do take a bite, don't she :-/

Gee, the garage looks so empty...

Paul Bauman
Westminster, CA
67 1600

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