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Who's on first?

To: Datsun Roadster <>
Subject: Who's on first?
From: Jeff Etheridge <>
Date: Sat, 25 Aug 2001 17:37:39 -0500
I'm in a tiff with my mechanic about my '68 1600. I can't get her
started; neither can he?
I believe the firing order to be 1,3,4, of 'us' has it 90
degrees off; or we're both wrong? Will someone confirm the layout of the
distributor/plugs wires for me...

with Z being the vacuum advance me identify the
placement of the plug wires....A, B, C, D....
                                                  [engine block]

                                         A   |    B
                                        C    |   D
Forgive my novicity[sp]...state of being a novice.

'68 1600

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