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Re: Why all the Angst?

To: "Pamela Bauman" <>,
Subject: Re: Why all the Angst?
From: "Eric Frisbee" <>
Date: Mon, 13 May 2002 10:52:46 -0600
Quite right you are!    :)   I certainly hope the petty bickering has

I hope you enjoyed your day yesterday!

----- Original Message -----
From: Pamela Bauman <>
To: 'Eric Frisbee' <>; 'List'
Sent: Monday, May 13, 2002 10:35 AM
Subject: RE: Why all the Angst?

> Eric et al..
> Eric, what do you mean by I wasn't doing my JOB? Mother's Day is the ONE
> of the year
> I shouldn't have to worry about doing my JOB! If a bunch of grown men want
> to behave
> like 2 year olds and bicker about parts, point fingers, let them.
> I was enjoying My Day. Went on a fun run to the top of Ortega Hwy, got an
> cookie ice cream
> sandwich and some turkey jerky. Also got a funky looking sunburn, even
> sunscreen.
> Came home, found that my 18 year old son, Mark, had loaded and started the
> dishwasher, taken out the trash and recycling, and fed the animals.
> me asking.
> Paul made a very nice grilled turkey breast, grilled corn and potatoes.
> After the sun went
> down, we went to Starbucks for coffee. (Roman, you need to call their
> Corporate headquarters.)
> Had one of the Starbucks baristas tell us "COOL Healey". Is that an
> color?
> It's not a Healey. It's a 67 Datsun Roadster. NO! Nissan made COOL cars
> that? Yes they did.
> WOW! Nissan really MADE COOL cars like that. He was dumbfounded. Had
> outside until the wee
> little gnats drove us off. It was such a nice night, we went for a top off
> drive.
> Highly recommended for cooling down a sunburn.
> It is now Monday. Sound and Ethical business practices are open to vast
> various
> interpretations. I guess a person's word being their bond or a
> cyber-handshake
> being honored on a sale just don't count for much in today's world.
> Well, back to work. A Mother's work is never done. Always cleaning up
> messy little boys.
> Safe and Happy Roadstering
> Pamela Bauman

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